As the industry changes, so must we.

Tile Roofing Industry Alliance Lobbyist, Craig Brightup, has provided the latest government relations update and activities on the following from May 2024:


U.S. Chamber Labor Relations Committee

The U.S. Chamber’s Labor Relations Committee met May 2-3 where it was noted that OSHA has posted data from Injury and Illness Forms 300/301 in addition to Form 300A from employers in high-hazard industries with 100 or more employees. Also, the Senate HELP Committee won’t be moving soon to reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) despite House passage with 378 votes, because Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) hasn’t made WIOA a priority.


Regulatory Updates

  • OSHA Heat Standard – On April 24, OSHA’s Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) recommended OSHA move forward with its Heat Standard. This is alarming to the extent that having ACCSH review draft regs is usually one of the last steps before they’re sent to OMB for signoff.
  • FTC Noncompetes Ban – On April 23, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted 3-2 to approve its Noncompete Rule (effective in August) and the U.S. Chamber and others are challenging it in federal court.
  • DOL Overtime Regulations – On April 23, the Dept. of Labor issued revised OT regs which are effective July 1, raising the OT salary threshold for certain employees from the current $35,568 a year to $43,888 on July 1 and $59,000 at the start of 2025. Per DOL, new OT thresholds will cover an estimated 4 million salaried workers.
  • DOL Independent Contractor Rule – On April 17, the Coalition for Workforce Innovation, Associated Builders and Contractors and others sued to block DOL’s Independent Contractor Rule in federal court, and there are now five active lawsuits challenging the rule which went into effect on March 11.
  • NLRB Joint-Employer Rule – On May 3, President Biden vetoed H.J. Res. 98, a Congressional Review Act resolution to nullify the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) joint employer rule. Also, on May 7, the NLRB appealed a decision by a federal court blocking the rule to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.


TRIA Washington, DC, Fly-In

TRIA’s DC Fly-In took place April 15-18. April 15 meetings were with Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), and Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL), followed by a tour of Speaker’s Suite in the Capitol, and ending at the Capitol Hill Club for a reception with Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL) as special guest. TRIA’s Fly-In concluded on April 18 at the National Association of Home Builders.


For more information on the TRIA Alliance and our Government Relations efforts, please visit our website at


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